Scientific in approach and religious in execution

Why Cotspun?


A firm believer in automation, we use state-of-the-art machines and software for the entire product development cycle. As a tech-driven enterprise, with a production capacity of 2,00,000 pieces a month, we keep advancing the adoption of automation for:

Pattern Making: CAD and CAM software
Sewing: Auto Trimmer machines
Embelishments: Latest technique printing, embroidery and lace works


At Cotspun, we believe that value creation and environmental production should go hand in hand. We focus on 3Rs of Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle in every function. We adopt 5S practices in order to eliminate waste.

Total Quality Management

In our pursuit of enhancing customer satisfaction, we follow quality standards and best practices at every stage of customer value chain including:

Customer requirements: We engage experienced merchandisers who capture your requirements clearly, and act as one point of contact between you and all other internal teams.
Material quality: Starting from the fabrics, which are tested for their quality at international labs before commencing production, and every other accessory, we strictly adhere to specifications agreed upon.
Logistics: Working closely with shipping companies, we supply you instantly with updated information on logistics. We avoid delay in documentation by ensuring accuracy and ontime information.

Beyond business

We care for people, and the planet, as much as we care for our profitability. We consider boosting the Triple Bottom Line as the purpose of our existence. Hence, we focus unrelenting on:

Employee welfare: We never engage child or forced labour. There is zero tolerance towards behaviors that threaten the dignity of employees. We adhere to all statutory and self-regulatory guidelines pertaining to wages, and employees rights
Work Environment: Our operate on a well laid out factories and offices that do not compromise on ventilation, hygiene, space, greenery, and good indoor air quality
Safety: All precautionary measures are taken to protect our employees from fire accidents, and workplace injuries. Our premises are fitted with necessary equipment, and we sensitize our people on safety practices and emergency management using mock drills.